Touring Freedom Blog

Touring Freedom Blog

Make ChatGPT Content Usable

The Power of Personality: 9 Ways to Add a Human Touch to ChatGPT Generated Content

June 22, 202312 min read



Ok well, maybe not.

Currently, ChatGPT has about 1.16 billion users. It's the fastest growing phenomenon since Netflix. The hype the media has heaped upon it has lead to exponential growth the likes we've never seen in any type of service in history. It's been exponential.

As you might expect, when something takes off like that, it's going to cause some major pushback. People have made "Terminator" references and even asked for government regulation. To be that scary, it must be a powerful tool, right? Well, not always, but it CAN be in the right hands.

Despite it's detractors, you can't put the cat back in the bag. ChatGPT is here to stay. And if you use it right in your business, it can be the biggest time-saver you've ever seen and an indispensable tool for content creation.

That said, as fantastic as AI-generated content is, it has a few downsides such as:

  • Factual errors (occasionally)

  • Often won't pass plagiarism checkers or AI content detectors

  • Lack of human insight and emotion

  • Only as current as its latest data set (currently about 2 years behind)

  • Monotonous content

  • Can get quite wordy at times.

Recently, I asked ChatGPT to write an email to Amazon about a customer service issue I was having. This was my prompt:

I need you to write an email to Jeff Bezos about an Amazon order that has gone wrong. I have returned the item on July 9th and requested a refund. Tracking on the package shows that UPS has lost the item and states, "We’re sorry for the inconvenience. If you are the sender, please check with the receiver to confirm delivery. Otherwise, you may start a claim to provide a resolution." Which obviously means they consider it lost. Amazon should be providing my refund and filing a claim with UPS.

I need the tone of this email to be kind and professional, but also stern and firm when asking for my refund immediately.

This was a bit of an experiment for me, as I've:

  • Never used AI-generated text to write customer service corespondence form a customer standpoint

  • Never asked ChatGPT to change tone in the middle of a piece of content.

Well, as it turns out, asking it to change tone was a MAJOR mistake. It did a pretty good job of explaining my situation, but when it got to the point of asking for a refund, it sounded like a toddler who swallowed a dictionary. It's just spitting out random fancy words left and right. Here I am thinking I'm going to be able to copy and paste into Gmail, but I end up needing Google Translate for some of these paragraphs. The result was the worst AI-generated content I've ever seen.

Here is a few paragraphs after the change of tone:

To my disappointment though, there now seems unnecessary delay from Amazon’s side whose representative advised me unfairly to wait till July 16th before expecting any refund steps; not just without reason offered but also disrupting my plans inconveniently of procuring an urgent replacement expediently using expected funds.

Such apparent disregard sadly raises questions on whether care for customers’ valid interests forms part and parcel truly of company policy manifesting in real time operations besides published mottoes and slogans?

In deepest respect thus towards core principle values upholding consumer satisfaction & rights protection above all else which undoubtedly characterizes inherently a great organization such as yours sir; may request humbly here immediate attention be paid by concerned departments smoothly enabling appropriate speedy solution actions?

From one entrepreneur towards another business's leader who genuinely respects feedback from customers irrespective levels/complaint gravity/freq; believe nothing more than your personal intervention will resolve impasse quickly providing due relief; reaffirming faith not misbegotten rather fully justified always when placing firm trustworthiness embodied inherently by world-renowned “Customer-Centric” Company – AMAZON!

Well, butter my biscuit and call me a linguist, but I can't understand a word of that!


Does this mean you shouldn't be using AI-written content in your business? HELL NO! This tool is a godsend to content creators.

ChatGPT is just like any other computer. It can only do what it's told to do. Have you ever heard the phrase, "garbage in, garbage out"? It couldn't be any more relevant here. This tool's efficacy is ultimately determined by you, which means YOU need to learn how to use it properly.

Countless online business owners are committing a grave sin by mindlessly churning out content using automated writing tools. This half-baked AI-generated content is then hurled onto their websites and blogs like a handful of spaghetti on a wall, hoping something will stick. In reality, ChatGPT is a highly capable AI tool that can be utilized in various ways to aid in content creation, beyond simply generating poorly utilized blocks of text.

Most people won’t read your AI-written content… and here’s why!

The astute marketer will understand that people come online for information and answers to their pressing questions. Not only do they want to expand their knowledge, but they also crave a dash of amusement to spice things up. In other words, you have to educate AND entertain! It's the only way to hold their attention.

Yes… these are the times we live in.

In the age of TikTok and YouTube, knowledge is power and bite-sized videos are the new superheroes, satisfying our need for instant gratification. Sadly, the written word often gets a bad rap and is met with eye rolls and sighs of disappointment.

After all, reading requires mental effort, and we can’t have that, can we?

Nope. Our content must be like a delicious and informative snack, packed with entertainment and attention-grabbing goodness, all in bite-sized chunks. If you can say something in 2 words, don’t use 3.

Unfortunately, AI-generated content will result in about 297.

So the real question you should be asking yourself is, “Will my audience read this wall of text which rivals the Great Wall of China?”

The answer is maybe… but probably NOT.

ChatGPT may be incredible, but it's missing that personal touch that makes communication truly electrifying. For your content to resonate with your audience, you'll need to bring your content to life by giving it a human touch that will make your audience feel like they're part of the story.

Unlock the secrets to human-like AI-generated content with these 9 pro tips!

1. Ask ChatGPT to write in a conversational tone

For example, if you’re using ChatGPT to write an article on, “7 Disadvantages of Low Testosterone” … you might want to use a prompt:

I’m writing an article. Title: 7 Disadvantages of Low Testosterone

Write me an introduction for this article. Make the tone conversational, like I’m talking to a friend.


Content Writer

That is excellent. A little overly enthusiastic, but we can work with it. Just remove the ‘Hey, my friend’ and it should be good to go.

Now we have an introduction that’s not ‘robotic’ and reads more like human writing. If we did not tell ChatGPT to make the tone conversational, it would have generated an intro like this one:


Content Generator


That intro sounds like it was yanked out of some encyclopedia and is obviously NOT human content. Your reader would have quit reading after the 3rd line and would probably be watching videos of cats baking cakes on TikTok.

Keep the tone conversational.

2. Ask questions

Nothing makes an article sound like human-written content than when there are questions interspersed within the content.

Have you ever wondered why ChatGPT is a master at answering your queries, but never throws one your way?

That’s because it’s not a human. Curiosity is a unique trait of humanity, as we are the only species that endlessly seeks answers through questioning.

Why not add a dash of curiosity to your AI-generated content? Sprinkle in some questions and watch your audience engage! These could be woven into the content where you ask a question to provoke the reader… or you use them as sub-headings.

You can even ask ChatGPT to generate these questions for you.


Content into human

Each question is an opportunity for you to create more human-like content. Not only that, but these questions serve 2 important purposes, and we’ll look at them in the next 2 pointers below.

3. Use emotive language

A human writer can create content that is emotional and has empathy. These are qualities that will resonate with your audience more. ChatGPT does not do this on its own… but it can fake it well.


Informative content

Saw that?

Not only did the AI-generated content give us the questions earlier, but now we got it to answer one of those questions and show empathy. By using these words, “it can be incredibly frustrating and demoralizing”, ChatGPT is addressing the very problem millions of men face when their test levels are low.

When your content raises the same questions that is running through the reader’s mind, you can bet your last dollar that they’ll keep reading. You’re both on the same page.

Only a human could do that. Not a robot. No way!

4. Use sub-headings to break up your text

Large chunks of text are difficult to read and make the readers want to ‘zone out’ and dream of cats doing the Salsa on TikTok.

The best way to make your content quality is high is to use headings and sub-headings throughout your text.

Remember the questions we generated in point #2?

Yes, these can be used as sub-headings too.

Alternatively, you could paste an entire article into ChatGPT and ask it to add sub-headings appropriately.

Of course, you’re probably waiting for an example. Let’s give it a try…

I took a chunk of content from the ‘cat’ page on Wikipedia. I created a prompt asking ChatGPT to insert sub-headings to make the text readable.


Content on websites

And... Voila!


content strategies

Notice how the text becomes more readable almost instantly when there are sub-headings?

This will not only encourage the readers to keep reading, but it makes your content appear like human-written text. Gone are the days when people thought reading the Encyclopedia Britannica was a fun pastime. Wait, does anyone even remember Britannica?

Anyway... These days, it’s all about short, quick content and cat videos. You get the point.

5. Add your personal stories and/or opinions

While ChatGPT can generate text for you, it doesn’t have your life experiences and stories. If the topic you’re writing about is something you have personal experience with, go ahead and sprinkle your opinions within the content.

Keep it light-hearted and humorous, if the topic allows for it. Storytelling is one of the best ways to create high-quality content. Using stories to highlight pertinent facts is a formula for increasing reader retention.

If you have no stories, you can ask ChatGPT to write one for you. It’s quite a good liar. Let’s ask it to create a personal story…


content writer

Impressive! Not far off from human content.

6. Analogies, metaphors and funny quotes

Your content needs to have a ‘voice’. That’s what makes it human. AI-generated content tends to be monotonous, but it can have a voice. You just have to inject some personality into it.

This can be done by adding funny stories, analogies, metaphors, quotes, etc. within the content. You can even ask ChatGPT to give you ideas here…


blog post

The AI-generated content gave us 5 quotes above. You don’t have to use them exactly as they are. You could just take a partial quote and weave it into your content.

For example, I could start off my article with this sentence in the introduction…

Due to my poor lifestyle choices, my testosterone levels were so low that I started empathizing with Bella in Twilight.

This will immediately hook the reader in and sets the stage for the tone and style of content in the rest of the article. It sounds like original content and far from AI-generated content.

7. Use images to break up your text and attract the reader

You could use royalty-free images in your content, or make memes… or even create your own illustrations. As long as your image is relevant to the content, it will attract the reader.

Like they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words… and ten thousand ChatGPT words.”

Or something like that. Make sure you use a few images in your content.

8. Mention trending events

Let’s ask ChatGPT to give us a trending event that we can use in the ‘low testosterone’ article…


Natural language processing

There are 2 examples above.

If we use the Covid pandemic example within the article, it will stir up emotions because it’s a polarizing topic and many people feel strongly about it. This is a good thing.

The moment you evoke emotions because of your content, you’ve humanized it.

Don’t worry about stirring the pot. Not everyone will like what you post, but then, not everyone likes cat videos either.

As long as you attract your own tribe of readers/fans, you’ll be fine.

9. Use an author image

If you read articles on Medium, you’d notice that the author’s profile image is found just below the title of the article.


human responses

This not only draws the reader’s attention, but it puts a face to the content.

In other words, it humanizes the content.

Even if the content was created by ChatGPT, just having your face associated with it, makes it ‘feel’ like it was written by you.

After all, ChatGPT-generated content doesn't have a profile picture.

If you don’t wish to use your real photo, you can always use a stock photo. It doesn’t matter if the image is in the sidebar on your blog… or a small gravatar image next to the headline. What matters is that there’s an image of a human, close to the content.

In conclusion…

ChatGPT can shave thousands of hours off your content creation process, but how you personalityize the content will determine if your content is a winner or a flop.

Wait, what?

There’s no such word as ‘personalityize’?

But you’re still reading this, aren’t you?


Take ChatGPT-generated content and weave your imagination and style into that. That’s really all you need to do.


blog author image

Jason Wyatt

A connoisseur of business and beat, he's been carving a niche in online entrepreneurship since 2008. With several successful ventures to his name, including some that have found new owners, his ingenuity is ever-evolving. His passion for pioneering doesn't limit itself to the digital sphere, but spills into real life as well. Cutting ties with his bricks-and-mortar dwelling back in 2018 didn't mark the beginning of his travel saga—it simply cut loose what we'd affectionately term as 'the RV anchor.' The journey began two years prior when he packed up life into a 5th wheel RV! Together with his wife and two sons, they embrace nomadic bliss without compromising on home comforts. An aficionado of authentic country music - we're talking about the heartfelt melodies that narrate stories as old as time—his aversion towards radio churn-outs is no secret. A former 'band nerd', he ain't anywhere near done with music; armed with his trusty saxophone which travels along wherever they tread. As they chart through landscapes far & wide, stumbling upon new hiking trails or dusting off local lore at museums is their favorite things to do when exploring new locations. This blog captures anecdotes from both realms: Digital entrepreneurship served with a side-dish of travels garnished by memorable family escapades, all penned down from first-hand experiences.

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